The Last Supper: Breaking Bread and Remembering Jesus

The Last Supper: Breaking Bread and Remembering Jesus

The Last Supper holds immense significance in Christian tradition and serves as a powerful symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and love for humanity. It was during this final meal with his disciples that Jesus shared important teachings and established the practice of breaking bread and remembering him.

Let us explore the meaning behind the Last Supper and its relevance in the life of believers.

The Last Supper in the Bible

The Last Supper is prominently mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. These accounts describe how Jesus gathered with his twelve disciples to share a Passover meal, which was a significant Jewish festival commemorating their liberation from slavery in Egypt.

During this meal, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take, eat; this is my body.” He then took a cup of wine, gave thanks, and shared it with them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:26-28, ESV).

The Symbolism of Breaking Bread

When Jesus broke the bread and shared it with his disciples, he was using a powerful symbol to convey his impending sacrifice on the cross. The bread represented his body, which would be broken for the redemption of humanity. By partaking in the bread, believers are reminded of Jesus’ selfless act and are called to remember his love and sacrifice.

Furthermore, the act of breaking bread together holds a deeper significance. It symbolizes unity, fellowship, and the sharing of a common meal. Just as the disciples shared in the bread, believers are encouraged to come together in communion, strengthening their bond as the body of Christ.

Remembering Jesus through Communion

Jesus instructed his disciples to continue the practice of breaking bread and drinking from the cup in remembrance of him. This act of remembrance, known as communion or the Eucharist, has been a central element of Christian worship throughout history.

By participating in communion, believers are invited to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice, express gratitude for his love, and renew their commitment to follow his teachings. It is a solemn and sacred moment that allows individuals to connect with the spiritual essence of Christ and experience a deeper communion with God.

Relevance in the Lives of Believers

The Last Supper and the practice of communion hold great relevance in the lives of believers today. They serve as a reminder of Jesus’ ultimate act of love and his redemptive work on the cross. Communion provides an opportunity for introspection, repentance, and renewal of faith.

Participating in communion can also foster a sense of community and unity among believers. As they gather together to break bread, they are reminded of their shared identity as followers of Christ and their call to love and serve one another.


The Last Supper, with its symbolic act of breaking bread and remembering Jesus, continues to hold deep meaning and significance for Christians worldwide. It serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice, love, and the call to live a life of faith and service.

As believers partake in communion, they are invited to reflect on the profound impact of Jesus’ sacrifice on their lives and to renew their commitment to follow his teachings. Through the act of breaking bread together, believers not only remember Jesus but also experience a sense of unity, fellowship, and spiritual communion with one another.

Let us cherish the Last Supper as a sacred and transformative moment in Christian history,  to inspire and guide us on our journey of faith.

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