Падшие ангелы в Книге Еноха и Библии KJV

Падшие ангелы: Повесть о восстании и коррупции из Книги Еноха

Within the pages of the ancient Book of Enoch lies a captivating story that unveils the deeds and actions of the fallen angels. This extraordinary account sheds light on their descent from heaven, their interactions with humanity, and the subsequent corruption they unleashed upon the world. Join us as we delve into the narrative of these fallen beings and their impact on human history.

I. The Heavenly Rebellion:

In the beginning, when the heavens were still pure and untainted, a group of angels, led by the powerful archangel Lucifer, succumbed to pride and challenged the authority of God. Their rebellion marked a catastrophic turning point in the celestial realm, as they were cast out of heaven, transforming into fallen angels.

II. The Descent to Earth:

The fallen angels, known as the Watchers, descended upon the Earth with a purpose. Drawn by the beauty of mortal women, they yearned for companionship and desired to experience the pleasures of the earthly realm. Ignoring divine boundaries, they took human wives and fathered hybrid offspring known as the Nephilim.

III. The Corruption of Humanity:

With their presence among humans, the fallen angels imparted forbidden knowledge and teachings, leading humanity astray from the path of righteousness. They introduced various forms of sorcery, enchantments, and magical arts that corrupted the natural order and disrupted the harmony established by God.

IV. The Nephilim and their Impact:

The Nephilim, born from the union of fallen angels and human women, possessed extraordinary strength and stature. These mighty beings roamed the Earth, causing chaos and devastation. Their dominance and violence became a source of great concern for humanity, as they ravaged civilizations and oppressed the weak.

V. Punishment and Imprisonment:

God, witnessing the wickedness brought upon the Earth by the fallen angels and the Nephilim, decreed judgment upon them. The fallen angels were condemned to be imprisoned in Tartarus, a place of darkness and torment, until the day of their ultimate judgment. Their fate serves as a reminder of the consequences of rebellion and corruption.

VI. The Role in the End Times:

As the end times draw near, the Book of Enoch prophesies the resurgence of the fallen angels, seeking to deceive humanity once again. They will employ their supernatural abilities, perform false miracles, and spread falsehoods, leading many astray. Their malevolent influence will be instrumental in the rise of the Antichrist, an embodiment of wickedness and opposition to God’s kingdom.


The story of the fallen angels in the Book of Enoch weaves a tale of rebellion, corruption, and divine judgment. Through their descent to Earth, their unholy union with humans, and the subsequent corruption they introduced, these fallen beings left an indelible mark on human history. As we reflect upon their story, we are reminded of the importance of remaining steadfast in faith and vigilant against the deceptive influences that seek to lead us astray.

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